The Sonic Decanter® is the result of decades of designing and engineering products for space, industry, medical uses and consumer beverages. That experience and a passion for great tasting wine is the result. The Sonic Decanter® uses safe but effective ultrasonic energy to “MAKE EVERY WINE BETTER!”

Can you run the Sonic Decanter too long?

Some have asked if a wine is exposed for a longer period of time to our process, will it will become “over improved” resulting in a less than wonderful sensory outcome. Each individual wine may behave differently. However a prolonged processing of a wine will usually not achieve a higher level of benefit. Our research has shown that there is a” standard” beneficial time for Red and White wines. That is why we have pre-programmed the Sonic Decanter for ease of use and maximum benefit.

We Provide the Sonic Decanter App to allow each user the opportunity to try different time applications to suit their individual “best” outcome. This is a unique feature of the Sonic Decanter.

How did you conduct your taste tests?

Our testing was done internally over the past 9 months.

Our procedure was to open a bottle of wine, pour a small sample in to a wine glass. Then run the Sonic Decanter on the remainder of the bottle. Another equal sized sample was poured in to an identical glass when the Sonic Decanter session finished.
The glasses were marked in a way that was unknown to the tasters. The two samples were compared by individuals who were asked A.) Do you notice a difference? And B.) Which glass do you prefer?
Over the course of these voluntary tastings we received +95% preference for the wine that was treated with the Sonic Decanter. (Sample size +200) These were tested primarily with people who stated that they drink wine, winemakers and wine retailers.

This result was consistent regardless of time of day, location or size of participants (typically 3-8) These outcomes are the same as those shared by third party reviewers.

Why does the Sonic Decanter improve the sensory characteristics of wine?

Natural wine aging is enhanced by means of changes in pressures and temperatures over a period of time. However, extremes of either may also be detrimental to the product. The Sonic Decanter applies optimized levels of both pressure and temperature via ultrasonic energy. The process is conducted independent of external temperatures and pressures and provides a means of obtaining changes in molecular structure, at microsecond intervals, in microscopic areas throughout the liquid. The complete agglomeration of wine components results in a smoother taste and enhanced overall wine experience. Moreover, the stability of the molecular change extends the peak periods of taste and bouquet increasing the drinkable shelf life of the wine.

Is the Sonic Decanter offered in 110v and 220v versions?

At this time the Sonic Decanter is produced only in North American 110v / 60 cycle versions. We plan to offer a 220v version in the near future. You can use the Sonic Decanter outside North America however you will need a power transformer.

What can you modify or customize with the Sonic Decanter App?

The Sonic Decanter App allows the user to modify the time for each Sonic Decanter Session. The user can use the App to start, modify, adjust and control the time duration. It presents an audible alert when the session is finished. It also will allow the user to store their wine experience and share with others if they choose. The Frequency is fixed in order TO assure that you get a great result each time.

Can I drink the Wine later?

There is no specific time limit for drinking the wine after improvement with the Sonic Decanter. We have had wine that was treated, tasted them re-corked and found the same wonderful characteristics 4-6 days later. Of course this requires that the wine be re-corked and stored properly between tastings.

We also like to preprocess the wine for enjoying at a later occasion. This is a great approach when multiple bottles might be enjoyed with guests, friends and family.

How do I conduct a comparative tasting?

To conduct comparative taste tests, open the bottle and pour a 3-5 oz. sample in to a wine glass. Then run the Sonic Decanter. When finished, pour an equal sized sample in an identical glass and compare the results. In this way both samples are “available” to room air.
For an even more illustrative test, line four identical glasses in a row. For a red wine, pour the first 3 oz. sample and then pour equal sized samples at 10, 15, and 20 minute intervals.(simply remove and replace the bottle from the Sonic Decanter while running) This will demonstrate the progressive results that are achieved by the Sonic Decanter. Compare all samples and choose the timing for that specific wine that best suits your palate. Similarly white wines can be sampled at 5, 10 and 15 minute intervals. This is very fun to share in a group setting where everyone can choose the one that suits them best. Here is a video showing this on a young Bordeaux.


What types of wine can I use with the Sonic Decanter?

The only wines we do not recommend using with the Sonic Decanter are sparkling wines that possess those wonderful tiny bubbles. The Sonic Decanter will make a noticeable improvement in the taste of Sparkling wines but with somewhat “less sparkle”…. as our process reduces the gases that are found in wines.

We have had the fun of applying the Sonic Decanter on many varietals, vintages and price points of wine. We have found that wines expected to benefit from longer bottle aging, are nicely improved with the Sonic Decanter. We recently compared a 2005 and a 2011 Cabernet Sauvignon wine label with a Sommelier and invited quests. He commented that after the Sonic Decanter the younger 2011 reached or exceeded the sensory quality of the 2005 vintage. In fact, the 2011 after improvement with the Sonic Decanter was preferred over the 2005 by all who participated.

What wine bottle sizes can I use with the Sonic Decanter?

The Sonic Decanter will accommodate almost any 750/1L bottle of wine. The dimensions for the opening is 4 inches wide and 6 inches in depth. We think you will find the Sonic Decanter useful for any “standard” white or red bottle you may wish to enjoy!

How can we pledge and or purchase a Sonic Decanter on Kickstarter?

Some have asked about payments on Kickstarter. All Kickstarter transactions are handled through Amazon Payments. If you already have an Amazon account, when you pledge it will bring up your Amazon payments page. If you do not have an Amazon account then Kickstarter will direct you to Amazon to set up a secure account so that you can pledge for a Sonic Decanter.

Please try again and contact me if you have any problems.

Other Comments

We have had the fun of applying the Sonic Decanter on many varietals, vintages and price points of wine. We have found that wines expected to benefit from longer bottle aging, are nicely improved with the Sonic Decanter. We recently compared a 2005 and a 2011 Cabernet Sauvignon wine label with a Sommelier and invited quests. He commented that after the Sonic Decanter the younger 2011 reached or exceeded the sensory quality of the 2005 vintage. In fact, the 2011 after improvement with the Sonic Decanter was preferred over the 2005 by all who participated.